How We Connect

KJC Calendar

Some of our past and present programs/events

What’s involved in KJC membership?

  • the opportunity to participate in community-building, cultural, and educational events with other members of the Jewish Kingston and the wider Kingston community
  • the opportunity to attend celebrations for Jewish events and Holidays.
  • partnerships with other Jewish organizations in Kingston
  • partnerships with the interfaith community in Kingston
  • advocacy for local issues which impact our community

What is the cost of KJC membership?

  • Many of our events are free!
  • To receive newsletters and access to all of our events there is a membership cost of $20/year*

*Membership at Beth Israel Congregation and Iyr Hamelech in Kingston includes automatic KJC membership. Contact us if you have any questions about membership fees!

Some Examples of How We Connect

KJC Israeli Dancers
Light Up the Night