Who are we in the
Kingston Women’s Interfaith Group
People Helping All People
We are Jewish, Muslim, and Christian women who enjoy conversations about one another’s faith and are committed to working together for the well-being of our community here in Kingston.
We are discovering that different from our various traditions and practices, there are many fundamental teachings that we all share in common. Primary among them is the call to give Generously, Compassionately, Respectfully, and Faithfully so that together we can offer:
- Food to those who are hungry;
- Shelter to those who are homeless;
- Care for those who are vulnerable;
- Support for those who are in need.
We give of our time, talent, and resources in support of the following initiatives:
- We host monthly lunches at Elizabeth Fry’s Women Empowerment Hub (We Hub) and also offer workshops and mentors.
- We furnished one sleeping cabin and donated furnishings and money for other cabins in support of the Kingston Sleeping Cabins run by Our Liveable Solutions (OLS). See KWIG in the news
- We collect art and sewing supplies for ILFP – I Love First Peoples, a group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people who support and provide practical projects to encourage Indigenous children and youth to stay in school and to promote reconciliation.
We meet monthly to share our foods and religious traditions as we build community with and among and for one another.