The ISKKJC Women have morphed into the Kingston Women’s Interfaith Group due to interest in our mutual interests of understanding each other and providing service to the community in ways of projects
About three years ago, the Kingston Jewish Council initiated an outreach program. Initially, Muslim and Jewish women came together to get to know one another and learn about each other’s faiths. We then decided to embark on a Tzedakah (acts of kindness) project. We chose to work with the Elizabeth Fry society. Our group specifically wanted to partner with a non-profit social service agency, that was not on everybody’s radar.
EFRY works with women who are in the justice system and/or are transitioning back into society. They also work with Marginalized and homeless women. They run many programs such as supportive housing, transition housing, educational and leadership programs, economic literacy, community luncheons to name a few.
Word got around that we were running this successful program and other faiths wanted to join – so now we have the “Kingston Women’s Interfaith group” which consists of around 40 members to date.
We provide lunch at EFry once a month, where members of our group each bring a dish. We make sure that all the food groups are incorporated and that we are not duplicating contributions. Each woman brings enough food to feed about 30 people. We eat and socialize with the women in the WeHub on Charles Street, and as a result, we have developed a trusting camaraderie with the women.
We either make or buy food, depending on our schedules and availability. Not all of our group can attend, so they kindly drop off the food.
In addition, we collect food parcels and household and toiletry items and clothing which we donate to EFRY. This is done around three times a year. (fall, spring and summer)
The Executive director, Katherine Londry, has repeatedly told us how much the women look forward to our monthly lunches, and how they feel that we care about them as individuals. The lunches went on a hiatus due to the pandemic but have started up again where the food is brought to EFry and then packed into individual meals for distribution.
If you would like to join our group or find out more, please contact
Janice Barling 613-5314930